Course Descriptions
- AP Course Offerings
- Art
- Business
- Dance
- Engineering
- English
- Family and Consumer Science
- Math
- Music
- Science
- Social Studies
- Wellness/Fitness
- World Languages
General Offering:
Owl Time - 0.0 Credit
Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 can self-select or will be assigned Owl Time at a designated period of time in their daily schedule. Owl Time is instructional and will provide students with the opportunity to complete assignments for other classes needed for graduation, study for tests, complete projects, review homework and notes, complete College & Career activities on Naviance, research online resources, as well as, practice SAT questions through Khan Academy. Students may have opportunities to access the English Language Arts & Math intervention learning centers.
Future Ready Seminar - 0.5 Credit
Students in grade 9 will be assigned this course at a designated period of time in their weekly schedule. The Future Ready Seminar and Academic Writing Course will run A/B schedule. Future Ready Seminar will provide students with the opportunity to complete assignments for other classes needed for graduation, study for tests, complete projects, review homework and notes, complete ninth grade College & Career activities on Naviance, research online resources, as well as, practice SAT questions through Khan Academy. Students will have access to the English Language Arts & Math intervention learning centers.
Career Work Experience - 1-2 Credits
The Career Work Experience is an integrated educational process that (1) Help students develop skills, habits, and attitudes conducive to job success and personal growth. (2) Develop a positive work ethic and acquire or refine work related skills and job performance in actual work settings (which include motivation, time management, perseverance, and self-regulation). (3) Gain meaningful work experience under the supervision of workplace mentors. Course credit is earned by completion of the course requirements which include weekly time reports, completing class assignments, submitting required forms, and completing necessary hours of work related experience.
1.0 Credits for 5 work experience hours weekly | 2.0 Credits for 10 work experience hours weekly
To be eligible students should: (Exceptions to the eligibility requirements may be granted by the high school administration.)
-12th grade enrollment and status (17 credits earned)
-Complete written application and receive administrative approval
-Have a good discipline and attendance record
-Be responsible for providing own transportation to the work site
-Have parent/guardian permission
-Take the required senior year courses to graduate on schedule along with CWE credits
-Obtain and maintain acceptable job placement