What are micro-credentials?
Micro-credentials, also known as digital badges, are a new way to capture and communicate what a student knows and can demonstrate. These credentials can represent various levels of work and engagement, including specific, granular skills or achievements (American Institute for Research).
At Bensalem High School, students can earn a micro-credential by successfully completing a pathway focus (4 courses) within a given academy. These courses are designed to help students gain specific skills in their chosen field. Once the appropriate coursework is completed, a student can apply for the micro-credential, which will then be added to their transcript.
Why earn a micro-credential?

Bensalem Township High School graduation requirements offer students the chance to explore multiple pathways while earning their diploma. Micro-credentials are designed to motivate students who seek real-life career experience during high school. These credentials provide a way to personalize and recognize student learning achievements, indicating that students have completed specific course concentrations that prepare them for college or careers.
Advantages include:
Opportunity to earn an endorsement in an area of interest
Foundation to successfully complete an industry workforce credential or college degree
Increased opportunities to gain competitive advantages in the college application process
Improved student engagement within coursework
How do I earn a micro-credential?
Earning a micro-credential at Bensalem High School is a straightforward process! Students first need to decide which academy strand they want to follow. All academies are detailed in the digital BHS Program of Studies website. Students may qualify for multiple micro-credentials since some pathways have overlapping course requirements. While earning a micro-credential is encouraged, it is not required to receive a diploma. Every student should work with their school counselor to develop a plan that reflects their post-high school aspirations.
**Eligibility & Criteria:**
Enrolled at Bensalem High School
Complete necessary graduation requirements
Complete 4 courses within the Academy Strand with a minimum grade of a 'C' in each course, or as determined by IEP goals
For students who receive an 'A' in all 4 courses within a strand, the micro-credential will be noted "With Honors"
Students should consult with their school counselor for additional information.