Music Department
Concert Band (05102A)
Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite: Participation in the middle school (or former school) instrumental program, or audition
This class is a performance-based class designed for instrumental music students who have participated in their previous school’s band program, students working on secondary instruments (with permission of the band director), or those who (with approval of the band director) are learning an instrument to participate in the band program. This is a full credit class that meets during the school day as a scheduled class. Emphasis will be placed on proper tone production, technique, performance, rehearsal etiquette, and music reading skills. Students will perform a wide variety of instrumental music and concert band literature. Students will be required to attend all after school rehearsals and all dress rehearsals leading up to the concert. Concert participation is strongly encouraged as performance plays a significant role in the final grade. Participation in this class is recommended before Symphonic Winds, but students may schedule Symphonic Wind Ensemble with a successful audition and approval of the band director.
​Symphonic Wind Ensemble (05102SW)
Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite: Participation in the concert band program, or audition
​This class is a performance-based class designed for instrumental music students who have participated in the concert band program, or those who have successfully auditioned with the band director for acceptance into this group. This class in intended to be the second level of curricular study. This is a full credit class that meets during the school day as a scheduled class. Emphasis will be placed on proper tone production, technique, performance, rehearsal etiquette, and music reading skills. Students will perform a wide variety of instrumental music and concert band literature. Students will be required to attend all after school rehearsals and all dress rehearsals leading up to the concert. Concert participation is strongly encouraged as performance plays a significant role in the final grade.
Freshman Choir (05111)
Credit: 1.0
​Freshman Choir class will develop students’ music and vocal skills and techniques so that they may participate in all choral activities. This choral class meets every day all year long. There are no after school rehearsals, and an average of 4- 5 nightly concerts are held each year. Freshman Choir is the first level of curricular choir at Bensalem High School. This choral class is designed to give first year choral students basic background in music and the fundamentals of choral singing. The Freshman Choir performs mostly three-part music, which includes two female parts and a male part. Students must be in ninth grade or be a first-year choral music student who demonstrates interest to perform choral music. Freshman Choir is an open enrollment ensemble that requires no audition.
Treble Choir (05111TC)
Credit: 1.0
​Students enrolled in this choral class will further the musical and vocal skills and techniques they learned in Freshman Choir. This choral class meets every day all year long. There are no after school rehearsals and an average of 4-5 nightly concerts are held each year. Treble Choir is an ensemble that aims to build on the fundamentals of tone quality, musicianship, balance and blend that were presented at the Grade 9 Choir level. Treble Choir is the second level of curricular choir at Bensalem High School. The Treble Choir performs mostly three-part music, which includes two soprano parts and an alto part. This choral class is an open enrollment ensemble for students in grades 10, 11 and 12 and requires no audition, although students are strongly encouraged to take Grade 9- Freshman Choir first. The choral director reserves the right to determine exceptions.
​Concert Choir (05111CC)
Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite: 9th grade choir, Treble Choir or equivalent
​Students may be enrolled in this ensemble after they have successfully completed one year of choral music study at Bensalem High School. There are no after school rehearsals, and an average of 4-6 nightly concerts are held each year. All male students, grades 10-12, participate in Concert Choir, while females, grades 11-12, are placed into this ensemble at the discretion of the choral director in order to achieve proper balance. Concert Choir is the second and third level of curricular choir at Bensalem High School. The Concert Choir performs music in four parts, SATB. This ensemble is a mixed choral group, which aims to further build upon the skills and techniques learned in Grade 9 Choir and/or Treble Choir. Students in this ensemble are both expected and encouraged to audition for county, district and regional level ensembles.
Orchestra (05104A)
Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite: Participation in the middle school or former school instrumental program, or audition
​This course is designed for string orchestra students, i.e. violin, viola, cello and bass. It is designed for string students with at least two years of playing experience, or those who have the director’s permission. Students will study and perform string orchestra literature of various styles. Concepts in music theory and history will be further explored. All students must demonstrate interest and ability to perform orchestral music. Students will be expected to attend all performances and rehearsals scheduled throughout the school year. Participation in the course will make students eligible to audition for the County, District, Regional and All-State Orchestra festivals held throughout the year.
​Piano Lab 1 (05107)
Credit: 1.0
This course is designed to teach beginners the basics of piano. An emphasis will be placed on musical literacy, including rhythm and pitch, as well as improvisation, chording, and keyboard techniques.
​Piano Lab 2 (05149)
Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite: Piano Lab 1 and/or teacher recommendation
This course is designed to teach developing musicians the intermediate skills of piano. An in-depth emphasis will be placed on musical literacy, including key signatures, simple and compound meter, basic music theory, chording, keyboard techniques and artistry.
Piano Lab 3/Basic Theory (05150)
Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite: Piano Lab 2 and/or teacher recommendation
This course is designed for the student who wishes to intertwine advanced piano skills with the basics of music theory. Emphasis will be placed on understanding of musical scales, chord progressions, modes, and intervals in conjunction with keyboarding techniques and sight-singing. This course runs on odd years.
Piano Lab 4 (Course Code 05108)
Credit 1.0
Prerequisite: Piano Lab 3 and/or teacher recommendation
This course is designed for the student who wishes to continue their study of piano with advanced piano skills and music theory. Students will learn to play advanced piano repertoire, scales, and keyboarding techniques. Emphasis will be placed on playing on expressivity, musical style, and articulation. Music theory will continue to be intertwined with keyboarding. This course runs on even years.
Advanced Placement (AP) Music Theory (05114)
Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite: Students must be able to read musical notation. This course should be taken concurrently with a performance course or after Piano 3/Basic Theory.
​This full year course is designed for the serious music student who wishes to fully understand the building blocks of musical composition, form and structure, sight-singing and dictation. It is highly recommended for those students who wish to continue either studying or playing music on the post-secondary level. This course will meet the criteria established by the College Board as a registered AP course. Students taking this course should plan to take the Advanced Placement test to receive an AP weighted-grade for the course.